06-18, 16:15–17:15 (US/Eastern), Room A
With the recent release of Stratoshark, we finally have a familiar tool that helps us understand how the internals of servers and operating systems function. This talk will walk through some basic examples of how to set up and run sysdig to gather system call captures, and how to use Stratoshark to gain a deeper understanding of what runs on our networks.
From this talk, expect:
- Detailed sysdig and Stratoshark capture information
- Examples showing how packet data from Wireshark shows up in a Stratoshark capture
- Examples of real life troubleshooting with Stratoshark
Josh has both academic and real-world experience in the world of protocol analysis. He holds an M.S. degree in Computer Engineering with a focus in network engineering and has spent the past 8 years designing, troubleshooting, and optimizing networks and applications.