Pre-conference class III: SSL/TLS Troubleshooting with Wireshark
06-16, 09:00–17:00 (US/Eastern), Room B

The applications of today depend more and more on secure communication channels. For most internet applications the TLS protocol (still mostly referred to as SSL) is providing the secure channel to communicate over. To be able to troubleshoot problems with Applications that use (mutual) TLS, one must understand how TLS sessions are set up, how certificates and certificate authorities come into play and how you can look inside the encrypted traffic to analyse the (cleartext) application data. In this session you will gain a better understanding of the operation of the TLS protocol and more importantly, you will learn how to troubleshoot TLS based communications when things don't work as expected.

Sake has been analyzing packets for over 20 years. During his work, Sake started developing functionality for Wireshark while working with the analyzer in his day-to-day job. He also enhanced multiple protocol dissectors. In 2007, Sake joined the Wireshark Core Development team. In 2009, After working for a reseller of networking equipment for 8 years, he started the company SYN-bit to provide network analysis and training services to enterprises across Europe.