SharkFest'24 EUROPE

Pre-Conference Class III: WebRTC Network Analysis Masterclass
11-05, 09:00–17:00 (Europe/Vienna), Palais Sachsen Coburg I-III

Web Real-Time Communication (WebRTC) describes a standards-based approach to initiating audio and video communication relationships via IP-based networks, in the simplest case using a browser. WebRTC has become the most significant solution for web-based conferencing in our time. It has been implemented by many conferencing solution manufacturers and providers worldwide. In this Pre Conference Class, Robert and Matthias will take you into the world of analyzing WebRTC traffic and WebRTC solutions with Wireshark. It will enable you capturing and analyzing WebRTC Web Conferencing calls, analyzing the salient call components for potential problems and implement the required measures in your network perimeters to overcome such problems.

Have you ever wondered why your favorite web conferencing tool sometimes had bad video or audio quality? Did you experience problems connecting, when your VPN is active? Are you responsible, supporting users with their communication needs in diverse network environments? Or did you just stumble across weird UDP traffic in your latest trace files? Then this course is for you. We will explain the insides of the WebRTC communication protocols used in most modern products and show our praxis-proven approach analyzing problems in this field. The course includes hands-on capturing and analyzing problem situations including firewall restrictions and proxy use. To the best of our abilities, we will also address your real live problems you bring to the table.

Matthias started working in network analysis in 1996 as a Sniffer University staff instructor at Network General, where he delivered Sniffer University training and coordinated the European instructor team. In 2004, as a freelance instructor and network consultant, he wrote his own courseware on troubleshooting networks with Wireshark. Since 2009, Matthias has been working for ExperTeach, a German training and consulting company, where he manages and teaches the ExperTeach packet analysis curriculum for business customers. He has trained many individuals on Wireshark and helped them identify network and application-related problems since.

Starting with a small Web conferencing startup in Germany in 1999 and still with the same people after a long chain of acquisitions and mergers.
These days I help transitioning the venerable GoToMeeting to the modern WebRTC based GoTo.
My day job is helping our developers as well as our customers to analyse and understand intricate network problems in the context of various communication protocols and complex corporate networks. As such I'm proficient in network analysis tools like Wireshark as well as in log analysis tools like Splunk. In my spare time, I read, do the odd triathlon together with my colleagues and fancy ice bathing.

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