SharkFest'24 EUROPE

Optimizing Server Settings Using Packet Captures
11-07, 16:15–17:15 (Europe/Vienna), Palais Sachsen Coburg I-III

This talk explores how we might use Wireshark to optimize servers and applications even when they aren't slow. Depending on the type of traffic, optimizing TCP windowing and reducing the number of round trips required to transmit information can improve the speed of an application significantly.

The internet operates using standards, and these standards were developed, debated, and ratified with the entirety of the internet in mind. But are these standards ideal for your environment?

The largest internet companies tune their servers to operate best in the environments they maintain. That tight control lets them reduce application response times even when latency might be high.

We will use packet captures to identify application traffic patterns and active network conditions, and we’ll explore options to customize how servers put data on the network to fit the application and the network.

Josh has both academic and real-world experience in the world of protocol analysis. He holds an M.S. degree in Computer Engineering with a focus in network engineering and has spent the past 8 years designing, troubleshooting, and optimizing networks and applications.

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