SharkFest'24 EUROPE

Pre-Conference Class I: Core Wireshark Skills for Network Engineers and Security Pros - 2-day class (4-5 November)
11-05, 09:00–17:00 (Europe/Vienna), Ballroom A+B+C

Throughout this course, we are going to look at real-world examples of how to practically use Wireshark to solve network problems and isolate cybersecurity incidents. This skill will help AllOps (NetOps, SecOps, DevOps) engineers to improve in their analysis and troubleshooting skills. Labs have been designed to give real-world, hands-on experience with protocols using Wireshark.

Wireshark can be intimidating. I remember how it felt when I first started looking at a trace file with Wireshark. Questions started flooding into my mind: What should I look for? Where do I start? How can I find the packets that matter? What filters should I use? What is 'normal' and what can I ignore in all this data? I froze under the weight of all the detail in the packets. If you have ever felt that way when looking at a pcap, this is the course for you!

Chris Greer is a Network Analyst for Packet Pioneer. He has worked with companies around the world, helping them to solve pesky network
problems at the packet level, primarily with Wireshark and other open-source tools. Chris has a passion for helping others to learn about packet
analysis and teaches Wireshark Courses to private companies as well as public audiences. You can follow him on his YouTube channel at

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