SharkFest'24 EUROPE

Ross Bagurdes

Ross has had a diverse career in engineering, beginning as a structural engineer, then project engineer for a gas utility, Ross was always quickly assigned the de-facto network administrator, typically after no one else was brave enough to break, and later fix, the network. Ross eventually ended up working as a network engineer designing and implementing enterprise networks for a major university hospital. Here he worked with Extreme Networks, HP, Cisco, Tipping Point, among other network technology, as well as honed his Wireshark and protocol analysis skills. Ross spent 7 years teaching data networking at Madison College, and in 2017 started authoring and producing IT training videos in Wireshark/Protocol Analysis, Cisco, and general networking topics for In his free time, you'll find Ross and his dog at the beach swimming and surfing, traveling, hiking, or snowboarding somewhere in the western US.


Pre-Conference Class I: Core Wireshark Skills for Network Engineers and Security Pros - 2-day class (4-5 November)
Ross Bagurdes

Throughout this course, we are going to look at real-world examples of how to practically use Wireshark to solve network problems and isolate cybersecurity incidents. This skill will help AllOps (NetOps, SecOps, DevOps) engineers to improve in their analysis and troubleshooting skills. Labs have been designed to give real-world, hands-on experience with protocols using Wireshark.

Pre-conference class
Ballroom A+B+C
Sharksniff 3000 - the Wireless Decrypting Cyberdeck
Ross Bagurdes

Modern networks and devices rely heavily on two critical protocols: WiFi and TLS encryption. Many devices, such as smartphones, tablets, IoT devices, and others, lack built-in options for packet capture or the ability to obtain session keys.

My objective was to develop a device that functions as a proxy, capable of capturing traffic from wireless devices, decrypting and re-encrypting it, and outputting session keys—all while remaining invisible to the end user. The ultimate goal is to enable engineers to analyze decrypted traffic.

In this session, I'll share my motivation for building the cyberdeck, the challenges and successes I encountered, how the system works, and review traffic captures from well-known smartphone apps.

Ballroom A+B+C