SharkFest'24 EUROPE

Stephen Donnelly

Stephen has worked on packet capture and time-stamping systems for 20 years, earning his PhD for “High Precision Timing in Passive Measurements of Data Networks” from the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
A founding employee of Endace, Stephen has developed FPGA-based packet capture and timing systems, clock synchronization systems, and high-performance network monitoring virtualization, and collaborated with customers in telcos, finance, test & measurement, enterprise, and government agencies to solve unique problems.
Stephen is a contributor to the Wireshark, libpcap, Zeek, and Suricata open-source projects.


Cloud doesn’t have Packets!
Stephen Donnelly

It’s easy to laugh at the apocryphal executive quote “Cloud doesn’t have Packets!”, but is there something more to it? What might they have meant?

What are the differences between traditional On-premise and Cloud networking and architectures, and what does this tell us about attitudes towards network based security and trouble-shooting?

In this talk we will look at how Cloud differs from On-prem networking, what common Cloud architectures look like, and how they can confound established practice. We will review options for Packet Capture and network based tools in Cloud compared to On-prem environments, and discuss whether it is practical, beneficial, and necessary.

Ballroom A+B+C